by SalyaDarken » Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:25 pm
Would anyone be interested in a Weekly Lottery like game? If so want items would you like to win?
Item lists:
Special lottery only bumper (20 different bumpers to collect)
Special lottery only signature (5 different signatures to collect) *[more coming soon]
Special lottery only stamp (5 different stamps to collect)
Jackpot items:
reply with ideas for items and such. As well as your inputs for this game.
Would anyone be interested in a Weekly Lottery like game? If so want items would you like to win?
Item lists:
Special lottery only bumper (20 different bumpers to collect)
Special lottery only signature (5 different signatures to collect) *[more coming soon]
Special lottery only stamp (5 different stamps to collect)
Jackpot items:
reply with ideas for items and such. As well as your inputs for this game.