Salya's OC thread

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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Linya Rainwood
Birthday: July 20th
Gender: female
Age: 24
Hair: black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'6
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Moonlight Shine
Status: Single
Likes: taking walks, playing with kids, quiet days
Dislikes: training, Raining days, her freinds hurt
Sexual Orientation: straight
Story: Linya was born on a raining night and sadly her mother dead only two hrs other she was born. The Goddess was only 12 at the time but Linya took a liking to the young goddess and by the time she was 4, she was following Sinya around. She wasn't fold* of vampires or any thing that isn't human.
By the time was of 14, she was in knight training in another city. She didn't really like it but she wanted to be strong and being a knight was the only way she know of.

... blah I'll work on her later.
Setting: Original
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Jyne
Birthday: July 10th
Gender: Female
Age: 16? (is really 26)
Hair: black with a silver bang on the right
Eyes: Maroon eyes
Height: 5'6
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Unknown
Status: Single
Likes: kittens, candy, playing dress up, magic, drawing
Dislikes: books, orders, fighting, and the fact she can't really age.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends
Story: Jyne was born as a witch to a royal family. Her father was a knight as her mother was the king's witch. She raised to the next witch on the kingdom, but she lost her childhood. Her father sent her to his sister to perfect his only daughter.
At her aunt's house, Jyne was force to read spell books and try out different spells. She soon got bored with the quiet town that she wanted to go back to the kingdom.
After a few years of acting like she didn't want to go, her father allowed her to come back since Jyne was 16 at the time and knew a lot of spells. She moved back to the kingdom and became the king's witch just like her mother but there was something different about her.
The kingdom got a new king by the time she was truly 26. No one seem to notice that Jyne looked 16 and not her true age. Her father noticed but didn't care.

((Blah. Who ever wants to be the new king and her father, message me. There are no limit who how they look but they have to be human. ))
Setting: Original
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Ryan
Age: 150+
Race: Black Dragon
Sex: Male
Hair: Short black hair with long and short bangs
Eyes: Light purple eyes, wares fake glasses.
Marking(s): Black wings tattoo on his back.
Job: Traveler.
Mate: none -PM me-

Dragon form: -no pic- He's a huge black dragon with long wings. There are no horns on his body.
Powers: Fire and he can change his body size but only in his dragon form.

Story: unsure...
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Sin Loveless
Birthday: July 15th
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Hair: Black
Eyes: light green-blue
Height: 5'8
Skin: fair
Birthplace: ???
Status: Single
Likes: pretty dresses, tea, sewing, cats, doing her hair and reading.
Dislikes: her parents
Sexual Orientation: straight
Story: Sin is the only child in her family. She was born on a rain morning and was raised up to age 6 by her mother. After her 6th birthday, her mother went back to work with her father. She rarely saw them after that.
She went to an all girl school from 2nd grade - 12th grade. Because of that, she had no lack with males. After getting out of high school, she started going to college since she got into sewing her own outfits. She started started taking classes on sewing and design. When her parents found out, they didn't really know how to take it, but they soon give into her love for designing.
One day, she found a cute coffee shop that selled the kind of tea that she loved, so she started going there everyday after her classes.
Setting: Original
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: June BlackRain
Birthday: October 13
Gender: Female
Age: looks 25 but is really over 50 years
Hair: Long Black hair that goes down to her knees which is why she keeps it up in ponytails or braids.
Eyes: Dual colored. Right is Red and the Left is blue-green
Height: 5'7
Blood Type: O-
Skin: pale
Birthplace: NightRain City
Status: Single
Likes: reading her spell books, getting new spell books, watching her pets play, trying to cook, sleeping.
Dislikes: her spells going poof, Kain's smirk, Ryo's fire when he kills her spell, Cooking, and being waken up for no reason.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): Depends
Story: June was a normal young girl, living in a big house with a loving family. She was happy until a dragon attacked the city. Oddly, NightRain City was the city for dragons but this one wasn't happy. In the attack, June lose her family and the house. A smaller black dragon saved her and got her out of the city. A near by small town of witches. Two witches that were twins took her in and raised her for 20 years.
After living with the nice twins, June left and went back to NightRain with Ryo, the small black dragon behind her. There, she learned about the attack and what really happened. After a week at the Inn, she left, learning that her older brother that she didn't know was her twin, was the one that controlled the dragon. Not really caring anymore, she want into the feared forest that was said to be hunted.
Deep in the middle of the forest, she found a old looking house that was in good shape. It was a big house too. She slowly started living there with just Ryo who tried to help with the cooking but he sucked as badly as she did.
So she went back to the city and found the dark market. There she brunt* or saved, a few interesting guys and a small boy. Back at the house, She learned that they were all human forms of animals. The small boy was a fruit boy, the others were mystical animals such as a Unicorn who can cook, a Griffin that likes to fish in the lake near the forest, a Phoenix who is lazy and a Werewolf that was more wolf then anything.
After a year of living with the males and letting them help about the house, she started to get sick. Ryo and Kai(Phoenix) left for a week as the other helped her look for cure. Sadly it couldn't be cured since it was something her brother put into her blood before he disappeared. After a month of coughing up blood and pasting out, Star(unicorn) give up some of his blood to save her. Which in did and it stopped her aging for some odd reason.
((Blah. That is all I can think of.))
Setting: Fantasy aka original
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Lyira
Age: 100+
Race: Fox demon
Sex: Female
Hair: Long blueish silver
Eyes: Purplish blue
Ears: blueish silver with purplish tips
Tail(s): blueish silver -she hides 8 of her tails-
Job: none. She wonders around.
Powers: She can control water.
Mate: none -PM me-
Story: Lyira is a fox demon who was raised by water demons. She never knew her birth parents but over the years, she lost interested. She never wondered too far from the small demon village yet when she was really young, she did. As a young fox, she meet an older demon yet when back to the village. Over the years, she forgot the demon and the reason why she can't leave the village.

((Blah. This is a random fox demon. As for the demon she met and the reason why she can't leave the village... well I don't really know. Maybe a role-play or a short story will help me.))
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Salya's OC thread

Post by SalyaDarken »

Name: Aya Yuki
Nickname(s): None yet
Birthday: Oct 20th
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Hair: Long black hair but she wears random colored wigs a lots.
Eyes: Deep Navy blue
Height: 5'6
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Status: Single but is crushing on Ryuichi
Likes: singing, dressing up, playing games with her band members, annoying Eiri and being lazy.
Dislikes: Shuichi at times, yelling, Eiri pissed off and crying kids.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends
Story: Aya was born into a one parent house. She wasn't raised by her mother and her father told her that her mother ran away when she was only a month old. Unsure on how to do it, her father worked long hrs at work and would drink when he got home. She wasn't beat on or anything, but by the age of 14, she was sick of it. So she ran away after packing a few cloths and things.
After a few months on the weeks, she ran into a young writer named, Eiri Yuki. She was reading one of his books, when he saw her and her backpack. After running into the young girl, the writer took her in. She stayed with him and she never annoyed him, so he put her through high school, only by the age of 17, she was picked out to be a singer.
At the age of 19, she was singing in the band, Dark Angels which are an all girl band of 3 girls. She was only singing pop sings. In the same year, she meet with Shuichi. Unsure how to take that guy as her 'big brother' would just leave her, she just turned him out. Later in that year, her band went to the USA, there she met with Ryuichi and his bunny. She wanted to call him Shuichi but her band members talked her out of it.
On her 20th birthday, Aya and her band, went back to Japan, only for Eiri to hand Aya a letter and a key. After reading the letter, she learned that her 'brother' not only adopted her as his little sister but got her an apartment.

(blah... About her band members and manager, I'm working on them. I know that her manager is a lot like FF7 Cloud in looks yet acts different. So yea.. )
Original/Fanfic: Gravitation
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Kairo
Age: 25
Race: Human/fire demon
Sex: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Red
Powers: He can control Fire but at times, when he's mad, things around him will go up in flames.
Family: Little sister, Kylie.
Job: Hunter
Lover: None -Pm me-
Story: Kairo lost his parents a year after Kylie was born. He can't fully remember what really happened when he was 10is. Else then, He left the town with his young sister and over years of training, he become a hunter as Kylie become his healer. He's overprotective of his sister and won't let her go anywhere without him. He rarely does anything alone yet he doesn't mind.

((Blah.. he might change a bit later. Also I will only play him with his sister around... unless she's with one of his friends. Yes, he does have a friend or two. One of his friends is my alchemist, Angelia.))
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Kylie
Age: 15
Race: Human/fire demon
Sex: Female
Hair: Blond
Eyes: left is blue, right is red.
Powers: She can control fire and water.
Job: Mage
Family: Big brother, Kairo
Lover: too young
Story: She lost her parent when her was a baby and her brother won't tell her anything. As a young girl being raised by over protective male, wasn't all fun yet Kylie also had a smile on her face. Even when things looked bad, she wouldn't cry.

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Salya's OC thread

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offline player name: Miya
Age: 19
Likes: drawing, chatting with friends and playing 'The World'
dislikes: guys telling her what to do and being confused..


Online character name: Luna
class: Twin Blader
likes: Master En/Elk, Heaso and Kite.
dislikes: being told what to do, The Winged one at times, getting lost and PKed.
main lvl they are at: Starts at lvl 1 in R1 but in R2 she's lvl 100. (Aura hacked her character.. >.>)
Online boyfriend: ???


offline- She's a quiet girl that is a bit withdrawn. She would play with her three friends, Kina, Jura and Irina, at school. She would draw them thou. They understand her problems and never made her do anything.

She started playing the game called 'The World' when a boy next door got her to. He signed her up and started her character and well everything. He wanted to help her out of her withdrawn self. And she only thought of him as her older brother since he was about 15 at the time. (He's online character was the winged one. lol )

Sadly she wasn't the only person from her school that was playing. In fact, a boy 2 years older then her was playing. Kaoru Ichinose was his name at school.

After a few weeks of playing, She befriended a few players(see Luna) and slowly became more active, at school she would play with her friends, talk to Kaoru without running away but she still drew whenever she could.

She stopped playing the game a week before Net crisis since her brother told her to not playing for a while. So she did. Since she had a cell, she txted Kite's player every so often to see how he was and such.

After 7 years, she was starting her last year of high school when she got a txt seeing if she was going to start playing 'The World' again from someone she forgot about... Aura herself. Which she did after finding her computer and the things she needed.

After logging online and everything, she noticed that her character was the same as it was in R1 but the game was R2. It not only confused her but got her to go next door and talk to Kaoru who only saw her as a friend and not as a female which bugged her a bit but she got over it.

With Kaoru's help, started to play 'The World' again. (( She didn't notice who his character was until after Haseo... play dothack GU 1-2..))

online- When she first started to play 'The World', she had no friends or anything. Sadly a played called Balmung who offline lived next door, helped her a bit but getting the twin blader player Kite and the wavemaster player Elk to lvl her up and help her with her questions. Which was mean of the winged one.

After getting pissed and leaving the guys, she were to a lvl 1 area only to get a weird bracelet that only rare characters would see from a floating girl in white and she meet a wavemaster that looked like Elk who wasn't Elk.

After that, she met up with Kite and chatted with him for a bit before getting his e-mail and logging off. For the next few weeks, she played with Kite and Elk. She learned that Elk was Kaoru from school. She also talked to the other wavemaster that she leaned was Tsukasa.

Then out of the blue, Balmung told her to stay offline for a while. Which she did, well she didn't play for 7 years. That was until she got a txt telling her to play game. Sadly she learned that it was Aura that did it.

Aura was bored with sleeping so much that she got Luna to log on. After she did, Aura added Dark Kite, the winged one and nakie one to her friends list which irritated her as well as confused her.

With Kaoru playing as Endrance, he helped her the best as he can. AIDA didn't help much. Since he turned her out a lot for 'Mia' which pissed her off so much that she PKed a lot of guys... Haseo a few times. (( Note, I don't feel like changing it but Luna didn't know about Endrance until the battle between Haseo and Endrance, aka near the end of GU 1.))

She befriended Haseo after he saved her from pkers since Endrance left her without noticing. Slowly she started to hang around Haseo and his group of friends.

When she isn't leveling up with Haseo or getting Endrance's help with something then you'll find her at her old guild that Aura kept up in the Net slum server. Sadly that's where dark Kite and the knights hid out. Plus she would go there when she was irritated the most at Endrance.

... I need to update her this profile of hers.. oh well.
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