Salya's OC thread

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Salya's OC thread

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It's her and her cousin, Jessika

Name: Sabina
Birthday: Oct 16
Gender: female
Age: 24
Hair: Long black hair
Eyes: green eyes
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: Gotham
Status: taken by NightWing
Likes: sleeping late, looking at the stars, birds
Dislikes: exboyfriends, being lost, fighting
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): uke
BackGround: working on it.

What I do know is that Sabina is Jessika's cousin and is being used to help Nightwing. Sabina has bad boyfriend problems since her last one likes to hurt her and won't leave her alone. She works at a bar and lives in a small apartment.
Original/Fanfic: Batman
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Keiko
Nickname(s): Princess
Birthday: Oct 30th
Gender: Female
Age: A year young then Sora.
Hair: Long Black hair
Eyes: Deep Maroon Eyes
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: unknown
Status: Taken by Sora/Roxas
Likes: Roxas, hugging on Sora, running around, being hyper, listening to Zexion and sleeping on Roxas/Sora or Seneca.
Dislikes: Orders, long missions, being bored, fighting, huge and scary monsters.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): uke
Power(s): Can summon heartless. She can't control it.
BackGround: Re-doing once I play KH 1.5 and 2.5 But here's a bit. She's the love child of Terra and Seneca's someone.
Anime/Game: Kingdom Hearts
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Aisa Tschihara
Birthday: August 19th
Gender: female
Age: 16-18. Depending on the timeline
Hair: long black hair
Eyes: dark blue
Ears/Tail: lost them to her older brother but her fake ears are black. Her real ones were black with white tips.
Height: 5'6
Blood Type: AB
Skin: pale
Birthplace: unknown
Status: depends on the role-play
Likes: kitties, soft cat ears, playing with her cell, hugging on Ritsuka, and oddly fighting with Seimei.
Dislikes: fighting, school, dead cellphone and her brother.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): Depends on her day and mood.
Story: Aisa was a normal girl who loved listening to her brother's weird stories. One day after school, her parents were gone like always but her brother was being weird. He raped her, and told her to remember the word 'Heartless' then disappeared.
She never told her parents but by the time she was in high school, she moved out and into a small house with her older cousin, Aiya. She started to skip classes but makes them all up the next day. At house, she is always in her room, texting someone or looking through photos that Ritsuka gave her.
When she isn't at home, she's at the park, reading a book or working on her homework. She also wears her fake ears when outside since she don't want anyone but her cousin to know about them. Her parents don't even know what happened to them. (blah)
Game/show: Loveless
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Lynn
Nickname: Princess
Age: 23
Race: human
Sex: Female
Weapons: claws and light sword

She was born on the plant that her mother was the Queen of one kingdom that was always in winter time as her father was the King of the kingdom that was always in summer time.
While she was being taken to her father's kingdom at the age of 3, she was kidnapped off of the plant.
For so so years, she been raised as the normal human like Fayt. She became friends with Fayt even if she was a been older.
Well a year after she got out of college, she was heading somewhere that she didn't even know where but something happened and her pod landed on a weird plant. On the landing, she fall out of it and hit her head.
After some time, she woke up to come face to face with a baby dragon. She let out a scream and sadly for him, got saved by Albel.
Since he was in a 'good' mood, he took her back to the castle well she more likely followed him.
After that, she started to remember things that she didn't know about. She started to act like a princess and since the King didn't mind, she slowly became the princess of Airyglyph to Albel's disliking. To add to his disliking, she started to follow him around, watching his battles and such.

Likes: Albel, drawing yaoi, cooking and making new things.
hates: any girl that gets too close to Albel.

Original/Fanfic: Star Ocean til the end of time.
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Kima
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Hair: Long black hair. Normally her hair is down or in two braids.
Eyes: Dual eyes colors. Right is blue and the left is green.
Height: 5'6
Skin: Pale
Birthplace: Sun Kingdom? (She was born on an nonknown island near island of Obel.
Status: Single
Likes: Frey, birds, kitties, playing with Roy's hair and playing around.
Dislikes: fighting, being not allowed to hug on the prince, and being yelled at.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): Uke
Story: Kima was born somewhere up north, but something happened and her big sister sent her to her aunt's south. At a young age, she didn't really ask questions about anything. She was always wanting to play. She would wonder close to the palace and one day, she meet the prince and Lyon. But being shy, she ran away without saying anything to them.
Over a few years, she befriended Kyle oddly then slowly Frey and Lyon. Other then hanging around them and she was showed how to fight, even if she didn't like to fight. She, without wanting to, trained how to use two rings.
After the attack on the kingdom, her uncle sent her away to Sable to his friend. Sadly she didn't really stay long in town. She went out to the Ranro Mountain area and trained a bit. She meet Roy and his group but didn't really care since she missed the prince.
After training and getting better with her weapons (with Roy's help oddly), she left, wondering around. She wonder around a bit before Georg found her and she followed him about until they joined up with the prince. (blah... I need to replay the game.)
Game/show: Suikoden 5

(I need to re do her story.)
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Kura
Birthday: September 20th
Gender: Male
Age: depends of the story.
Hair: Long red hair that goes to his middle back, his bangs seem to stay over his right side of his face with a shorter bang over his nose. When really mad, silver highlights appear randomly in his hair.
Eyes: Greenish eyes, his right eye turns golden when he's really mad.
Height: 5'9 (when his about 18ish.)
Skin: pale
Birthplace: Demon World
Status: Single... for how long?
Likes: roses, helping his mom, reading and playing with his brother's ears
Dislikes: Yuto annoying him, his roses being missed up and his mom crying..(since when does Rose cry? Lol )
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): Depends on his mood.
Story: Kura was born shortly before Yuto on a raining night in one of his mother's caves in the Demon world. He was born, looking like the human side of his father, Kurama. So his mother, Rose, named him Kura as his twin who looked like their father's demon side, Yuto. Weirdly, after his birth, something annoyed him and his right green eye turned golden as soft silver highlights appeared in his short hair.
Like Yuto, He didn't know of his father for the first years of his life. Even with his weirdish, he was mostly happy. Unlike his twin, Kura seem to be interested in everything that their uncle, Sinta did. Oddly, his green eyes always was watching Sinta's tail as Sinta would TRY to play with Yuto. Kura didn't seem to care what his uncle did though. He loved to be held by Sinta or Hiei.
Whenever Hiei would show up to check on his mom and brother, he didn't seem to care yet when Hiei picked him up... He would pout a bit, looking at his toy then cuddle to the fire demon.
One day, 6 years later, Hiei was oddly playing with him as Yuto and his father showed up. At first, Kura called him Uncle Sinta which got his mom to laugh, Hiei to grin as Kurama glared. He then watched as his mom did the most weirdness thing to his brother. But seeing that, his father calm down and start talking to his mom, he just went back to playing with Hiei.
(I'll get in more detail in whatever story I do with him and his brother. xD)
Game/show: YYH
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Syna
Nickname(s): Sin, Princess, My lady
Birthday: June 6
Gender: Female
Age: 24?
Hair: Red -changes the length a lot-
Eyes: golden
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: Can't remember but she tells others, Moonlit City
Status: Single and not looking
Likes: flowers, trees, looking up at the stars, not listening to others, wondering around, playing with others' head and talking with animals.
Dislikes: fighting, people whining, and yellings.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends of her mood.
Story: Syna was born on nornal parents yet at a on age, she showed signs of magical powers. At first her parents didn't know what to do but her mother looking up their family line only to find links to witches, nekos, dragons and others. Once learning that, they just raised her the best that they can.
She went to a normal school until high school. Once she hit 16, she found a weird mark on her lower back of a black dragon blowing flames. She didn't want anyone to know, so she hid it from her parents and what friends that she had. The only one that knew was her computer AI, Lily but she knew that Lily wouldn't tell anyone.
Before she started high school, she begged her parents to send her to a pervite* which they did. They sent her to a magical school where she learned of her mark and what powers she had. She even found a weird talking book in her stuff at the dorms. It told her about clans and which one she was born into her. It even told her that she was the reborn leader of the Dragon's Flame.
Years later, Syna wondered around, just checking out magical places. She carried Lily around in a handheld that she builded.
Setting: Original
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Yuto
Birthday: September 20th
Gender: Male
Age: depends on the story. xD
Hair: Long silverish white hair. He has long bangs and they most of the time stay in his face. XD There is a shorter bang over his nose.
Eyes: Golden cat like.
Height: 6'0
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Demon world
Status: Single ((Bisexal like his twin, Kura))
Likes: napping, sweets
Dislikes: Kura mad, his ears and tail
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends but I'm sure that he's mostly Seme. xD
Story: Yuto was born on a raining night with his twin Kura in one of the caves that his mother hidden in. He was born looking just like his father's demon side, silver hair, ears and such as his twin looked more human and had green eyes with red hair.
For the first few years of his life, he didn't really know his father but he knew his aunt and uncles who checked on him, his twin and mother. Yuto didn't seem interested in anything that his uncle, Sinta did to him. Sinta would try to play with the chibi of his twin but Yuto wouldn't play. He glared at the older male. Yet when his aunt, Kurozuki wanted to play, Yuto didn't want to play but he wanted to be held. So he got his aunt to hold him a lot. Each time Sinta and Kuro would show up, Kura would go to Sinta as Yuto went to Kuro. Rose just laughed at the whole thing.
It was even more interesting when his other uncle showed up. Yuto was at first always hidding his body behind his mother as Kura just played with whatever he was playing with. It was like Hiei scared the chibi fox as the twin didn't care.
Well one day after 6 years, his father showed up and he wasn't really happy. Sadly, his mother did the most weirdness thing to you can to a young fox and a older pissed off fox, she held Yuto up in front of her to Youko Kurama who calmed down a bit after seeing the chibi him and the chibi redhead. He then noticed something weird about Yuto. He looked 3 years old as Kura looked 6 years old. He questioned Rose as she sat Yuto down.
“He likes his chibi form more. Oddly Hiei says that he thinks that Aunttie likes him more that way.” Which was true. Yuto did think that since he really liked his aunt.
((… ok I got to stop now...))
Game/show: YYH

((Need to edit since Sinta isn't mated to Kurozuki anymore...))
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Crystal King
Nickname(s): Kitty
Birthday: June 10th
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Hair: Short blond hair with long bangs.
Eyes: dark Brown
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: Sunlit City
Status: Single
Likes: Twizzlers(Strawberry and rainbow ones), drawing, watching the clouds, raining/cloudy days and the moon.
Dislikes: The sun, her mother, having no more twizzlers, and shopping.
Job/dream job: Artist
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): uke
BackGround: Crystal isn't a normal girl yet she looks it. At a young age, she watched her father get killed by a dragon which made her lose her voice. She was forced to live with her aunt Kaia until she turned 10, then her mother took her back. Since Crystal didn't talk to anyone, her mother got her into writing, yet she didn't take to it. She did take into drawing, which she drew what she wanted or was feeling since then.
At aged 16, her mother took her out of school and started to home school her which her teacher was a young male named Kai who gave her a twizzler whenever she got something right. Thanks to him, she got hook on them.
After she got out of school, she moved back into her late father's house which sat just outside of Sunlit City near the ocean. There she started her own job as an artist as her best friend that lived with her, started their job as a writer.
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Midnight
Birthday: October 31
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blood red
Height: 6'0
Skin: pale
Birthplace: China
Status: single
Likes: Laying around, sleeping, reading, forests and quiet places.
Dislikes: fighting, kids touching his tail.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends
Story: Midnight is a cat demon that was born in China back in the early 1800s. He lost his parents in a fire that humans did. Since then, he hated humans. He ran away from China and while in Japan, he ran into Lily's past family, where he still lives with.
Now in Japan, and the years came and went, Midnight is older and easily annoyed since he's been around kids since he been in Japan. He helped the family with the kids for many years and even if he's free to leave, he don't.
He is normally in his human from since kids love to pull his tail and ears which annoy the hell out of him. Even Nero and Lily pulled on his ears when they were little. When he isn't with the family, he is always in the park near the huge house. He loves to nap in trees or laying about, being lazy.
Setting: Now days or old japan. He's bi so I'll pick a male or female to pair with with him. Oh even if he hates humans, I will pair him up with one.
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