Salya's OC thread

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Salya's OC thread

Post by SalyaDarken »

Name: Riku
Birthday: unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 200+
Hair: silver
Eyes: golden
Height: 6'0
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Japan
Status: Single
Likes: scaring kids, laying in a tree, being lazy and hiding his nine tails.
Dislikes: Kids, young foxes, his family and loud places.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): Seme
Story: Riku was born with nine silver fox tails which was rare in the small fox village he lived in. So he's childhood sucked. At a young age.. which is in the teens for humans, he ran away. Walking around, he meet demons and humans. He learned anythings also. One thing, he learned was how to hid his nine tails, so he looked like a normal tail or human.
After any years, he finally picked a growing village to stay by. Since he found a fox mask, he kept it with him and used it to scare young kids that wonder into the small forest near the village.
Setting: hmm Past Japan aka Inu-yasha's past or now days.. He's bi... I think. So I'll pair him with anyone.
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Linra
Birthday: October 31
Gender: Female
Age: unknown
Hair: Black fading into pink
Eyes: Maroon
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: unknown
Status: single and not looking.
Likes: cute boys, being lazy, playing weird ps2 games and quiet places.
Dislikes: unknown since she good at hiding.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends
Story: (Under construction)
Setting: Original.
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Raikou
Nickname(s): Kai
Birthday: Something in Spring
Gender: Male
Age: 300+
Hair: Long silver colored locks.
Eyes: Redish
Ears/Tail(s): Silver fox ears and nine tails. (only one tail shows)
Height: 6'0
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Unknown
Status: Single
Likes: napping, being lazy, watching child play and getting his hair played with.
Dislikes: his nine tails, being different, females, and hunters.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): uke since he's too lazy to be dom.
BackGround: working on it.
Setting: Uhm.... Original?
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Lyua
Nickname(s): Lya
Birthday: Something in Winter
Gender: Female
Age: 200+
Hair: Long silver colored locks.
Eyes: Redish
Ears/Tail(s): Silver fox ears and tail
Height: 5'6
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Unknown
Status: Single
Likes: playing, long baths, soft things, roses, being a fox and sleeping in.
Dislikes: being woken up, fighting, yelling, ppl seeing her human form.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): uke
BackGround: working on it.

Setting: Uhm.... Original?
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Marina
Nickname(s): Rina
Birthday: March 10
Gender: Female
Age: looks 19
Hair: sea form
Eyes: dark green
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: unknown
Status: Single
Likes: being in small towns, swimming, being with small children and watching the sky.
Dislikes: being around a lot of people, being away for water, and fighting.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): sub
BackGround: playing with ideas.
Setting Original
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Julie
Age: 16 or 17 Depending on the rp. xD
Gender: Female
Orientation: School, artist
Personality: Hyper, sweet, nice, can't be quiet more then an hour and can get very shy if flirted with... unless the guy is blond.. :3
Crush: Kenny
Bio: Julie moved to the South park about her mom and her left her dad in another state. She was first unsure of the move but she befriend Stan and Kyle the first day that she was in town. Now she is just worry about starting high school even if Stan and Kyle tell her that it will be good.
Pic: soon

Fanfic: South Park
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Lenea
Birthday: October 20th
Gender: Female
Age: 21 – 23
Hair: Long black hairs, long bangs that hang in her face a lot.
Eyes: deep light blue
Height: 5'7
Skin: fair
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Status: Single (Paired up with Vincent or Cloud)
Likes: cleaning her weapons, annoying Cloud, being around Vincent, watching her younger sister and being lazy.
Dislikes: Sephiroth, Tifa, loud places and fighting.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): Depends
Weapons: A sword that looks oddly like Cloud's first sword but smaller and a hand gun that her older sister gave her.
Magic: depends
Story: Lenea was born and grew up in the town of Nibelheim. She was a quiet girl who rarely talked to any of the other kids. In fact, she rarely talked with Cloud or Tifa. She never stayed home since she hated her mother and didn't remember her father. Sadly she only cared for one person and that was her older sister, Liannia.
On the day when Sephiroth and his group came to Nibelheim, She wasn't glad to see them. She knew of Zack through her sister's letters and oddly befriended him on the day that he came to Nibelheim with Sephiroth. She felt that one of the guys in blue was Cloud yet she turned it out to go off to do something.
On the night of the fire, Lenea went and hid in the basement of the Shinra Mansion. She didn't wake up Vincent yet she hid near his coffin and became silent. Sadly, she fell asleep soon after hiding.

She used to fight along with Cloud and his friends, only because her friend{Aerith} asked her to fight. After her friend's death, She disappeared. No one could find her, even if they look which she didn't think anyone would. She wasn't close friends with Tifa for she had a crush on Cloud. She never knew what Vincent or anyone else thought of her. She did know that Reno had a thing for her, Aerith was always telling her that.

FF7 AC)) Anyways. It been 2 years since Sephiroth and Aerith's death. Lenea showed up at 7heaven one day with a weird chick named Lina who was calling Lenea sister. Since then, she been hanging out at 7Heaven in her corner which was the farest away corner from the bar and Tifa. She's always reading a book or cleaning one of her two weapons, her sword which is a size smaller than Cloud's and a gun that her older sister gave her. She won't talk to anyone other then Lina, Alexis or Vincent. Sadly, Alexis gets Cloud to try to talk to her only for Lenea to put her blade or gun in his face.
Setting: Final Fantasy 7
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Raine
Nicknames: Rai or Rain
Birthday: June 12
Gender: Female
Age: She's a year young then Kyouya.
Race: Human
Hair: long black hair with red bangs. She normally has her left bang in her face, hiding her left eye.
Eyes: aqua blue eyes.
She had long black hair than her normally has down to her lower back with her red bangs in her face. She keeps her left eye hidden under her bangs for a unknown reason. She likes to wear gothic outfits when she can but normally she wears a normal t-shirt over a net-like under shirt that has long sleeve, blue jean skirt that stops above her knees and her favorite black boots that go up to her knees.
Height: 5'6
Blood Type: 0+
Skin: pale
Birthplace: Japan
Personality: She keeps to herself and is very quiet when she's around a lot of people. She's sweet, caring and is mainly a good girl.
Likes: watching Kyouya beybattle with or without him knowing, reading, cooking, trying to beyblade thou she sucks at it and being alone.
Dislikes: watching others beybattle, being bored, being around a lot of people, fighting and yelling
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): uke I think. I'm sure she's still has her V-card unless something happened and I don't know it.
Hobbies: reading fantasy books, and cooking.
Loves/Crushes: Kyouya
Pets: none
Story: After she lost her older brother in a car crash, she became really quiet.She wont talk to anyone about it. She keeps his old beyblade with her at all times even if she can't beyblade to save her life yet she tries.
She watches her favorite blader bey-battle when she don't want to go home or she's walking around, looking like she's lost.
To her, home wasn't the house she lived in. She didn't feel like she had a home.

Setting: Beyblade MF
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Salya's OC thread

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Name: Lara
Nickname: Angel
Birthday: June 10
Gender: Female
Age: 17-20
Race: human
Hair:dark brown
Eyes: changes with mood
Height: 5'6
Blood Type: 0+
Skin: white
Birthplace: unknown
Personality: She carefree, happy most of the time, caring to most things and some people, and nice to everyone unless she don't like the person which is rare.
Likes: Hugging on Squall's arm, looking for new GFs, sitting up on high places and jumping off of high places onto one of her GFs or into Squall's arms whichever comes first.
Dislikes: being alone, being bored, reading, acting her age and faking that she don't like Squall.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): Uke
Hobbies: bugging Squall((yes that's a hobbie)) , training and walking around while trying not to go to the training room or to think in the library.
Loves/Crushes: Squall, if you haven't realized yet.
Pets: none sadly but she says her GFs are her pets.
Story: She join the Garden at the age 14 since her Uncle with head of the place. She was never to leave or go outside the Garden without someone with her. So normally she got Zell to go with her or rarely Squall.
At age 16, She join SEED a year before Squall but yet when he became a SEED, She was allowed to go out but only to help Squall when needed. Since he never asked for help, she normally ran off, looking for a new GF or for something to do which normally got her into trouble and Squall had to save her. She never realized that all she wanted to be around her leader until Rinoa started being around more.

Note: ... I don't like the ff8 storyline after CD2.. so yea...
Setting: FF8
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Salya's OC thread

Post by SalyaDarken »

Name: Mystique Dayton
Nickname(s): Myst, Angel
Birthday: unknown
Gender: Female
Age: seems to be 24ish. Real age is unknown.
Race: human?
Hair: Long dark blue hair with long bangs
Eyes: Dark maroon
Height: 5'6
Skin: ghostly pale
Birthplace: unknown but she'll say it's was an ice planet.
Status: Single (she gets with Garrus by the end of the first game.)
Likes: Snow, sleeping in, getting lost, and looking up old things.
Dislikes: fighting, her exs, being told what to do, being nude and being locked up.
Marks: a scar over an odd dark mark and scars over her breast, arms and upper legs.
Jewelry: a odd necklace (a Turian gave it to her before dying)
Fears: being fully alone.
Sem/(dom) Uke/(sub): really Uke
Story: WIP but she is has a odd link to bad Turains. XD

show/game: Mass Effect
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