If you wish to attempt a 100 Challenge [either type] please post below with the following form.
General Note: You can do a Traditional Challenge while doing a Movie Challenge. <3
General Note: For TYPE, please say if you'll be doing graphics, writing, coding or mixed.
Movie Note: Please keep in mind that your Movie Challenge starts the day the topic is posted. This means you should only include movies from that day forward and not from the start of January because you're given a whole year from the day it's started. <3
PLEASE REMEMBER to post in this thread when you are finished with your challenge (Movie or Traditional). Otherwise I will assume you haven't completed it.
Please wrap in code. (:
General Note: You can do a Traditional Challenge while doing a Movie Challenge. <3
General Note: For TYPE, please say if you'll be doing graphics, writing, coding or mixed.
Movie Note: Please keep in mind that your Movie Challenge starts the day the topic is posted. This means you should only include movies from that day forward and not from the start of January because you're given a whole year from the day it's started. <3
PLEASE REMEMBER to post in this thread when you are finished with your challenge (Movie or Traditional). Otherwise I will assume you haven't completed it.
Please wrap in code. (:
Code: Select all
[size=150][b][u]Traditional Challenge[/u][/b][/size]
[b]USERNAME:[/b] username
[b]THEME:[/b] theme
[b]TYPE:[/b] type[/align]
Code: Select all
[align=center][SIZE=150][b][u]Movie/Book/Game Challenge[/u][/b][/SIZE]
[b]USERNAME:[/b] username
[b]MOVIE OR BOOK:[/b] movie or/and book or/and game
[b]TYPE:[/b] type[/align]