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Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:45 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Adia
Birthday: Unknown
Gender: Female
Age: Looks 19 but real age is unknown
Hair: Long purple hair with a black bang.
Eyes: dark blue
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: doesn't remember
Status: single
Likes: water, playing with small children, watching others fight and watching Casshern.
Dislikes: being carried around, being yelled at, the Ruin and oddly Dio.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends
Story: Adia is a half breed born from a cyborg and a human. But she lived with her mother for most of her life. When the Ruin came, she watched as her mother dead before leaving. Walking around, she learned that someone named Casshern made the ruin start but she didn't really care. She wondered around, watching robots fight or helping a guy named Ohji with anything that needs help with. While playing with Ringo, she meet Casshern. After that, she followed him around but hid when he battled. (blah.)
Game/show: Casshern Sins

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:46 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Nya
Birthday: unknown
Gender: Female
Age: looks 17ish but a lot older.
Hair: long silver hair
Eyes: deep blue eyes
Height: 5'6
Skin: fair
Birthplace: not sure
Status: single
Likes: Playing around, new kimonos, Inuyasha's hair and well Inuyasha.
Dislikes: Kagome, kids pulling on her tail, being alone and fighting.
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): depends
Story: Nya is one of two twins that was taken from their mother's... well father's den. Her sister was given away to one family as Nya was given to another family. The family she was given to wasn't as nice as they looked.
Since birth, Nya has been different from most normal fox demons. On new moon nights and two nights/days after it, her silver hair is black as her right fox ear goes from silver to black. No one is sure why but she got it from her birth mother.
The family that got Nya, locked her away from being so different. The lady of the family was a nine tail fox demon that oddly knew who Nya's parents really were but never said a word about it.
One night, when she was about 7 or 8, the nine tail fox, kicked her out. She told Nya to get away from the village and never come back which Nya did. Two nights after she got away, the village was burned down.
~la la... years later~
a few years later, she was living with a human family. They didn't care that she was a demon nor how her looked on new moon nights. She didn't understand why they took her in, but she stayed and helped with the two younger kids.
((ok. I don't know how or when she meet Inu, but they know each other and well... yea. She's was made from him as her twin is for Sesshy. They came out of a yyh/inu crossover idea that I don't know if I'll do or not.))
Game/show: Inuyasha

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:47 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Kain NightSky
Birthday: Oct 31
Gender: Male
Age: 200+ but looks 22
Hair: black
Eyes: redish purple.
Height: 6'0
Skin: Fair
Birthplace: Moonlight Shine
Status: He's single but won't say it. xD
Likes: rare things, Rain, soft things and seeing his 'loves' pissed off.
Dislikes: fighting, bats, blood, and seeing his 'loves' with other males.
Sexual Orientation: bi
Story: Kain is a really weird vampire. He was human born and the oddly thing, he and the Goddess was born on the same time and day as well as the same place. His marking is a half moon on his left hip which he only shows to ones that interest him.
He was raised with Sinya and over the years, watch her die and be reborn over and over. He's ever close to the goddess and when seeing her, talks of taking her for himself, which he never does. He only says that to annoy her 'holy' knights whose he hates. (yes he hates all 8 of them. XD)
When Rain came to the shine, Kain was visiting his goddess. Seeing how she looked and he knew she was different. He befriended her over two years.
Sinya told him to keep away from the fox, but he already took a liking to her. and within a year later, He started talking about stealing Rain as well as the Goddess.
On his last visit, Rain told him that she was wondering off and Sinya allowed it. He talked a bit with Sinya then left... after stealing a kiss from the goddess herself and pissing off her knights and he's sure a few guardians as well.
He disappeared for a good 20 years, only to reappeared around the fallen castle of Kaile.
Setting: Original

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:50 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Angelia
Age: 22
Race: witch|Alchemist.
Sex: Female
Hair: Blond
Eyes: grey-blue
Powers: She can understand animals.
Job: alchemist
Partner: Raven, a tiger/panther mixed breed.
Weapon: None. She allows Raven to protect her. xD
Lover: None -talk to me-
Lives: Snowfall town
Her past: Angelia was born from a knight and an alchemist. Her mother was an alchemist who died when Angelia was really young. After her mother's death, she was sent to live with her grandpa. Under her grandfather, she learned the basic of Alchemy before leaving to look for her disappeared father. After years of wondering around, she soon found herself in a snowy kingdom of Kyrna. She went to a small town called Snowfall and opened a small shop. She would make healing items and basic weapons in her first year there but after years of training, she got better, yet her shop wasn't doing so well.
So went on one of her hunts, she found a hurt demon of some kind. She took him back to her workshop to help him. After he got better, he started helping in the shop area, giving her more time to do more alchemy.
After a year of good business and making more things, Angelia got news from her grandfather that one of his friends had passed over, leaving behind something rare. She was also told to be on a look out for something from that friend. Sadly, she just forgot around it and went on with life. It wasn't until a young male showed up with a note for her that she realized that her grandfather's friend was someone her mother told her about. 'His dream was to turn mana into something more.' Yet she shook it off and told the male to wait.
Wait looking for items to use, she ran into Kairo and Kylie. They talked for a bit before she went back to the shop. She placed the items away in the back, only to found the young male and his cat asleep on the couch*.

-blah.. Again, like Vayne, she is based on Mana Khemia but unlike Vayne, she more loosely based of the game. xD-

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:01 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Alex
Birthday: unknown
Gender: male
Age: looks 25 but is 100
Hair: purple long hair
Eyes: shade darker then his eyes
Height: 6'0
Skin: fair
Birthplace: ???? ((Lunar demon.... think about it)
Status: Single
Likes: Wondering around, reading
Dislikes: loud people, humans
Sexual Orientation: straight
Story: Alex doesn't remember where he came from but he has been wondering around Gaia for years. He wondered into a kingdom and over heard a few humans talking about the young queen and now she didn't trust anyone. (Under construction)
Setting: Original

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:03 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Sea
Nickname(s): n/a
Birthday: June...
Gender: Female
Age: 48 dog years, 17-18 human
Hair: Short black hair. Black fur.
Eyes: golden yellow in both forms.
Height: 5'6 as human
Skin: pale
Birthplace: unknown
Status: single
Likes: laying under the sun, wandering around forests, playing with pups.
Dislikes: humans and hunters
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): uke
BackGround: (Under construction)

Setting: Original

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:04 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Aila
Birthday: May 26
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Hair: mid-long brown hair that is only in ponytails
Eyes: Dual colors. Red and Purple
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: unknown
Status: single
Likes: wondering around forests, sleeping in
Dislikes: getting lost, a lot of people and hunters
Seme/(dom) Uke/(sub): uke
BackGround: (Under construction)

Setting: Original

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:10 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Auria
Nickname(s): Goddess, My Queen, My Lady
Birthday: Unknown
Gender: female
Age: appears to be 24
Race: Goddess
Hair: Long flowing black hair that almost touching the ground. She keeps it up in braids or ponytails.
Eyes: Appears dark blue but changes with her mood.
Height: 5'6
Skin: pale
Birthplace: unknown
Status: won't say but she is married to Alistair by Dragon Age 2.
Likes: wondering around, playing with her magic, reading, sleeping in, and listening to Alistair's stories.
Dislikes: war, blood, being lost, and being not allowed to wonder around.
Marks: a pair of black wings on her back.
Jewelry: Silver ribbon that she kept in her hair, white crystal with a black crystal on a necklace.
Fears: being alone.
Sem/(dom) Uke/(sub): really uke
Story: Auria was forced out of her realm by her older brother. She appeared in the odd realm of Dragon Age and fall onto Alistair. Since that day, she had been with him while learning about the realm without telling him nor anyone else where she is form nor what she was. Oddly Alistair figured it out yet didn't say. A year after he become King, he unofficial made her his queen with out her noticing, she was out wondering around with the Grey Wardens.

She met Fenris after following Ander's around for a while. She ran into the elf, after pissing off some kingdoms, oddly the elf didn't know she knew magic until Ander came to find her, muttering something about how the king was going to kill him, or something. While soon after the mage send her back to Alistair with her pouting. (why Fenris followed her is unknown since he hates mages and she is classed as a mage under the king. XD)

Setting: Dragon Age

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:11 pm
by SalyaDarken
Name: Syna Lockheart
Age: unknown
Race: Vampire halfbreed
Family: Dracula(Uncle), D (cousin) Mother(dead), Father(unknown)

Syna was rasied as a simple village girl. She didn't know of her father and her mother was always sick. As a young girl, she didn't notice that she was a halfbreed and yet didn't care. She loved her life... until her mother dead, then the 16 year old girl started to hate things. She locked herself into the small house of her mother's and didn't want to be around anyone. She then started biting herself when she needed blood.
She stayed around from people for two full years until a man showed up. He kicked the locked down in and pulled the 18 year girl outside. Sure she was annoyed but the sun was down and the moon was up. She started up at the moon with her light shade red eyes, not noticing the smirking man. When she did notice him, she stood up and ran behind a tree. It took a while but she learned that he was her uncle... But she didn't know why he was there.

((Ok this is a WIP oc... She's based on Vampire Hunter D's world... but she's in Hellsing.
In Hellsing, she's a maid to the hellsing family since her uncle had her keep her near for unknown reasons. She won't use her vampire powers for battle and she really hates fighting.
Also She's a bit incest with her cousin, D... but that's only because she can't find a guy who gets alone with her vampire family.
She's also in the world of Twilight. She's the older sister of Rain(my other vamp oc) and in that story, she looking for her father. ))

Salya's OC thread

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:24 pm
by SalyaDarken
What's your Name?
Name: Rex
Nickname: Rexy, Roxas, Roxy

Ah, I see. Tell me, what do you look like?
Alignment: Inbetween
Gender: Male
Hair color: light Brown messy hair
Eye color: deep blue
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130 lb
Other Striking Features: He has a birth mark on his left hip that he shares with his twin sister.

Tell Me About Yourself:
Weapon: Oblivion - He got this keyblade from his sister on his 15th birthday. Unknowing that it was once Sora's and his father's
Desperation Move: Synch Blade is an ability which allows a Keyblade wielder to summon another Keyblade during battle. Rex is only allowed to use this move once a day which allows he to battle until he disappears. He learned this move while in a fight with a few big heartless.
Cold - He's very cold to just about everyone.
Softhearted - only to his sister

Easily annoyed - He gets annoyed easy whenever someone calls him anything other then his name.
Quiet - he gets very quiet whenever he is pissed or thinking of something.

Likes: quiet places
Dislikes: Everyone
Fears: The death of the ones that he cares for.
Theme: Missing
Theme Artist:Evanescence
Relationship status: Single
Gender Preference: Male

Somebodies Only:
What magic are you skilled with?: Black
Former Heartless: N/A
Former Nobody: N/A
How much Darkness do you have in your heart?: 50%

Tell Me About Your Family:
Mother: Keiko
Father: Roxas/Sora
Siblings: Kara - twin sister
Others: none that he knows of

Tell Me About Your Past:
Bio/History: Rex was born 10 minutes after Kara. He didn't cry until he heard Sora. As he grew up, he become colder and more like his father yet he showed some kindness from his mother but only to Kara. Even with he's the 'younger' twin, he would act like an older brother to his twin and the other kids around him.
He become a keyblader at the age of 14. No one is sure how or when but he came home holding a keyblade and had a few cuts. Then without saying anything, he disappeared.

setting: KH