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Forum Introduction & Rules

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:49 am
by SalyaDarken
Welcome to the Tainted Fantasy! On this page we'll give you all the information you need to successfully navigate our forums and guide you through the rules and expectations we have in place so all of our members can have a stress-free, drama-free time here!

Quick Start Guide:
  • Newbie Packet - an all-in-one informational walk-through for those just starting out at the Tainted Fantasy Forums! (WIP)
  • About Points aka Gil - A thread all about our point system that I call Gil which is the money from Final Fantasy.
  • Posting Guide - A walkthrough guide for posting here, from basic bolding and italics options, to doing neat stuff such as quoting, multi-quoting, tables, and image hosting (WIP)
  • Holy Knight in-training Sign-up - a thread wherein members new to the forum can sign up for a mentor that can help guide them around the place and induct them into our community! (WIP)
Things-to-Know Click on each heading below to guide you to where you want to go.
More Information

Forum Introduction & Rules

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 1:16 am
by SalyaDarken
General Rules of the Tainted Fantasy.
  1. Be Respectful.
    Treat everyone fairly, and just be pleasant.
  2. No religious or political discussions.
    a) These topics typically involve drama, so please refrain from posting them.
    b) Personal issues and beliefs are important and we try to keep an open mind in everything we do for Tainted Fantasy, however this rule applies to all members and people, as not everyone thinks or believes the same thing. As long as there is no violation of our rules or code of conduct, or there is nothing is being rudely displayed (like pictures, known offensive slang, name calling, etc), then I will simply ask that members just do not participate in the thread if it makes them uncomfortable to do so.
  3. Spam and Triple Posting Rules.
    Please follow common forum etiquette by avoiding spamming and triple posting around the Tainted Fantasy in all areas but the ---, which was made specifically for spamming and goofing off.
    a) Triple Posting: Members may Triple post in a thread if 12 hours or more have elapsed since their last post. However, doing this constantly (i.e., being the only person to post in a thread for multiple days on end, resulting in a string of posts made by one person), may be found in violation of this rule if Admin or Moderators feel you are spamming or posting excessively and will ask you to stop.
    b) Stay on topic: Adhere to the topic of a thread. If you would like to talk about something else or something similar but not related to the topic, create a new thread to discuss it. Likewise, threads should be made in the appropriate sections of the forum which match their topics.
  4. Only one account per user.
    This is to prevent drama, number inflation, and lying. If you create more than one account, a ban may be given. Please refer to the Code of Conduct for more details.
  5. Excessive Images must be placed in a Spoiler.
    Explanation (Click Me)
    With the exception of the Artist section, the Galleria of Dedications & Collections, the Arts and Graphics Guild and the Avatar/Signature section, large amounts of photos in a single post must be behind a spoiler. Large amounts generally mean more than 3 or 4 images in a single post. Please be considerate to those with slower connections or are on mobile devices! In the Artist section, Arts and Graphics Guild and Avatar/Signature section, the original poster will have the option to put their images behind spoilers or not. This will be enforced by the moderators of each section.

    How to use a Spoiler Code:

    Code: Select all

    [spoiler]Your stuff goes here[/spoiler] OR [spoiler title=title]stuff here[/spoiler]
  6. Username Rules.
    No bad words or anything 18+ text in your username. If anyone wants to use a Canon name from any anime, game. book, etc please make sure that the name you want to use isn't being used.
  7. Avatar and Signature Requirements.
    See this thread for details on our Avatar and Signature guidelines. (thread is WIP)
  8. Points Prizes.
    Tainted Fantasy implements a point system for participating around the boards, members may use their points to purchase prizes to display in their signature, such as sprites from the Shops.

    a) Any prizes NOT purchased as a --- that are found in a member's profile will immediately be removed and warning sent. Additional infractions of this rule will result in a 3 day ban, a 1 month ban, and a permanent ban, in that order. We take this seriously as they are exclusive rewards for our senior members!

    Any questions about these Rules can be sent via PM to SalyaDarken. If you have comments or concerns, her PM and E-Mail inboxes are always open.

Forum Introduction & Rules

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:59 am
by SalyaDarken
This is a Code of Conduct ("CoC"). The CoC is meant to supplement and NOT to replace the rules of Tainted Fantasy (TF). If situations arise that are not covered by the CoC, then the administrators will act as they believe necessary in the best interests of the site after consulting with the relevant staff and other administrators.

Section I. Post Content
  1. 18+ - Tainted Fantasy is a strictly 18+ site, unless otherwise stated in rules or addendums.
  2. Bigotry – TF is strongly against discrimination in any form. Anyone found posting sexist, racist, homophobic or religious hate messages will be dealt with quickly and severely.
  3. Swearing - Is allowed but don't swear a LOT. If a character swears a lot, use $#&*&@ like how Barret swears in FF7.
  4. Illegality - Mention of illegal activity such as comments on or descriptions of brutality, violence, emotional/physical abuse, drug use, etc are cause for disciplinary action.
Section II. Member Conduct
  1. Privacy is sacred. As such, no member of TF should ever publish private correspondence or private matters, without the explicit approval of ALL Parties involved in the exchange. This includes public threads, PMs, E-mails, and instant messages. This includes member punishment. The staff do not want to flaunt the mistakes of others and, therefore, we will not talk about such matters with those who are not directly involved. That being said, Neo Queen Serenity's e-mail and PM boxes are always open.
  2. Bullying
    -Bullying takes many forms and can be far more destructive than many people will realize. Some people will laugh off the most vicious comments while others may be driven nearly to suicide. The TF staff reserve the right to remove any posts, avatars or signature pictures that are deemed to fall into this category.
    -This also includes being "elitist." There will be members with various amount of knowledge and various interests, so please be respectful to everyone. We are all Sailor Moon fans and we ARE all equal.
  3. Personal Attacks
    Personal attacks on other members are not tolerated, including on public boards and in the chatbox. Do not talk behind someone else's back. Administration and the staff are expected and obligated to deter any personal attacks.
    (a) Vague ranting/complaining posts that could be about another member on site will not be tolerated. If it is clear to staff and other members that you are talking about another member, even if their name isn't mentioned in the post, we will take action as clarified in the Punishment Procedure below.
  4. Account Information
    The individual who registered for an account will be held responsible for all actions taken by the account. To avoid being accused of something you did not do, never give your account information to anyone.
  5. Instructions by staff
    (a) Ignoring instructions given by staff or these rules are grounds for discipline.
    (b) If you believe the staff are wrong in an instruction they gave you, open a discussion with them about it via PM (not on a public thread). If, after making an attempt to discuss the issue with the staff member, you believe you are not being adequately heard, feel free to include the relevant supervisor (see Section VI). In the interim, follow the staff’s instructions, even if you disagree with them.

Section III. Conflict Resolution
This is an online forum, and it is inevitable that drama will ensue. If internet drama happens to you, please follow the following procedures.
  1. Notify Staff of any Issues
    If a member has an issue with another member (and this includes issues with TF staff), please bring it to the attention of the relevant staff supervisor by PM.
  2. Keep Disputes Private
    TF strongly believes that issues between members or between members and staff are best resolved in private, via PM or e-mail. Keeping issues private allows the parties involved to consider the problems and possible solutions without grandstanding or worrying about “losing face.” This allows for the avoidance of public disputes, which is more conducive to reaching a resolution that works for all parties involved.
  3. Speak Your Mind
    TF will never discipline any member for telling staff something the staff does not want to hear. That doesn’t mean that members have license to be rude to staff, but it does mean that if you see a problem, you need to tell us about it.
  4. Remember that Reasonable People Can Disagree
    There are certain things that are black and white. Most disputes don’t fall within these realms of incontrovertible truth; more often, there are shades of gray. Reasonable people acting in good faith can and will take different positions even when looking at the same set of facts.
  5. Keep in mind that not all of our members may speak English as their native language.
    This can cause misinterpretations to occur. If you have a question as to what someone meant, please ask them respectfully to clarify, before assuming the worst.
Section IV. Three Strike Policy
Administrators reserve the right to administer Cautions for any content that the staff feels is borderline inappropriate or a "gray area" in terms of the Galaxy Cauldron Rules.
  1. The Three Strike Policy is intended to help members understand what content may be considered inappropriate without the immediate consequence of an official rule infraction. We all make mistakes sometimes, however, a history of mistakes shows a lack of understanding and respect for the rules of the forum. Therefore, three cautions will be equivalent to one rule infraction, and disciplinary action will be taken as stated in Section V of the Code of Conduct.
Section V. Consequence Procedures
This is a description of the general procedure for handling violations. Please be aware this general procedure may be altered in order to accommodate for specific situations.
  1. First Offense The member will be contacted via PM by a staff member regarding the violation. This PM will be considered a warning.
  2. Second Offense If the same violation continues to occur or a separate violation occurs, then the member will be contacted by a staff member via PM. At this stage, the member will be placed on a temporary one week probation. Probation - meaning the member will be able to access TF, but not post on the forums.
  3. Third Offense If the same violation continues to occur or a separate violation occurs, then the member will be contacted by staff via PM. At this stage, the member will be placed on a temporary two week ban. Ban - meaning the member will be unable to access or post on TF.
  4. Final Offense At this stage, the member will be temporarily or permanently banned from TF or given further instruction by Staff
  5. Addendum: The Staff of this site attempt to adhere to this structure of punishment, however we reserve the right to take disciplinary actions as unlisted circumstances arise.
Section VI. Infraction Rollback Policy
  1. Every six months is set as the general rollover date for infractions that have earned warnings. If there have been more than six months between warnings for mild offenses, the new warning will be considered a "first" warning, even if it is in fact their fifth. However, for larger infractions--those that receive a warning the first time they are broken--and for cases wherein a member is repeatedly breaking the same rule, the admin reserve the right to move on to the next tier on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Regardless, warnings and offenses do not get ignored after a certain point; they are all part of a member's history and can be taken into consideration when major offenses are made.
Section VII. Miscellaneous
  1. Any and all sites and forums may not be "planned" on TF.
    ---1 thread is allowed in the proper forum section advertising your site.
    ---Discussion, deciding details, dividing up duties, etc. are not allowed. These actions must be done on the site or with your own e-mail.
    ---Messages to TF members asking to join your site are not allowed.
    ---Advertising your site in the chat box, welcome threads, help threads, etc., are not allowed.
  2. Please do not ‘bash’ other sites and forums on TF.
    ---We are here to provide a friendly drama free place, and we are not associated with other Sailor Moon websites and forums so it is unnecessary to discuss their problems here.
    ---Whatever drama happens at another forum/website/tumblr/etc. stays there. It does not belong on TF.